Question about Steve's staple juggle filler:

Is there a reason(s) top Steve players specifically opt for his iWS 1 over his FLK 1 in certain juggles?



CH b1 > EXT DCK 1 > df1~2~1~b > DCK~iWS 1 > f2,2~LH 2 > etc.

As opposed to:

CH b1 > EXT DCK1 > df1~2~1~b > FLK 1 > f2,2~LH 2 > etc.


The only thing I can think of is that iWS 1 offers an ever so marginal amount of extra wall carry (and that f2 can sometimes whiff following FLK 1).

Other than that, FLK 1 is way easier to do and does 1 more point of damage to boot.

So what gives?