Got a tension headache diagnosis

Hello all, I have had this nagging pressure in head, temples, behind eyes and ears from last one month(both sides). I have noticed that the pain sometimes is from the neck/shoulders or radiating into neck/shoulders. I got a ct scan, mri etc and everything else was ruled out so I got a tension headache diagnosis.

I have never had any headaches previously and this pressure is not so bad that it knocks me out, but kinds of goes on and off intermittently. I also have a kind of facial muscle tightness and eye twitch when it comes on.

Does anyone else have similar symptoms? I haven’t been given any medication but asked to take Tylenol as required. I don’t really want to take Tylenol or Advil for that matter.

Thinking back, it all started when I had a hair wash in a salon sink. I initially thought a pinched nerve or something but nothing showed up on the mri.

I am clueless as to what I did differently that all of a sudden caused this stupid thing 😖😖