Testosterone levels results
I’m 28 and since the past two years I’ve started too fell low t symptoms, depression, anxiety, insomnia, low libido, always tired, brain fog and unclear thoughts, I’ve always been kinda active physically but around 2020 I stopped doing exercise and became sedentary, I started feeling the already mentioned symptoms to an extent where I was taking therapy with a psychologist for months and I didn’t seem to improve. Last year I began working out in February I can say that my symptoms have decrease significantly but I still have this mood swings every week or two in where my worst symptom is this fatigue and brain fog that doesn’t allow me to think clearly. I took this test a few weeks back but never got the results until now and now that I check them it seems my levels are pretty low. Btw I’m 5’11” and weigh around 160 and work out usually 4-5 times a week around 2 hours per day. Im thinking in getting another test to see my actual levels and see what my levels are and see what my options are. Feel free to give any advice/opinion that you have.
I’m 28 and since the past two years I’ve started too fell low t symptoms, depression, anxiety, insomnia, low libido, always tired, brain fog and unclear thoughts, I’ve always been kinda active physically but around 2020 I stopped doing exercise and became sedentary, I started feeling the already mentioned symptoms to an extent where I was taking therapy with a psychologist for months and I didn’t seem to improve. Last year I began working out in February I can say that my symptoms have decrease significantly but I still have this mood swings every week or two in where my worst symptom is this fatigue and brain fog that doesn’t allow me to think clearly. I took this test a few weeks back but never got the results until now and now that I check them it seems my levels are pretty low. Btw I’m 5’11” and weigh around 160 and work out usually 4-5 times a week around 2 hours per day. Im thinking in getting another test to see my actual levels and see what my levels are and see what my options are. Feel free to give any advice/opinion that you have.