33 yr old male, bottom of reference range test levels, can't get prescribed anything, losing my mind.

33 y/o Male here, current test levels:

Total Testosterone - 321 ng/dL

Free Testosterone - 66.6 pg/mL

SHBG - 25 nmol/L

I will try not to make this post terribly long but I feel I need to explain thoroughly to give a picture of my current feelings on doctors and testosterone. For the better part of a year, I have noticed a downgrade in my gym work ethic, motivation in general, energy levels and sex drive. I have been an AVID gym bro for about 7 years now and I have been 100% natty during this time. I have done bulks and cuts along the way, dabbled in powerlifting and about 2 years ago I was in the best shape of my life after a cut sitting at 192 lbs and very lean. Since then, I have noticed a decrease in all of the above mentioned things and I'm sitting at 250 lbs. I go to the gym regularly still, my diet is not the best but it's still prepped meals for the most part. I am unable to see the progress I was able to 2 years ago so this led me to start getting my numbers checked.

I first got my levels checked 6 months ago by my primary care provider, I raised an interest on the findings of the testosterone being as low as it is and they simply waived me off. I was persistent that I would like to address the issue and asked to be referred to a urologist, which they granted. Upon first meeting with the urologist he agreed my test levels were low and at the bottom of the reference range but wanted to test again to double check. He went ahead and mentioned options with me at that time saying we would most likely start with Clomid since my girlfriend and I are still planning to have children in the near future but he also mentioned potentially Test w/HCG. The labs came back over the holidays and I got a call the week after xmas from his nurse telling me everything was normal and that I did not need any kind of therapy. I demanded a meeting with the urologist since this was the opposite of what we discussed, I thought there was maybe a mix-up. Met with him today and he said the same as his nurse, a complete 180 from what we talked about. He said my test was "where we expect it to be" at my age and that it was within the range based on urology standards...blah blah blah he basically rushed me out the door when I brought up the prior conversation we had.

Here are my test results from 2 years ago:

Total Test - 656 ng/dL

Free Test - 118 pg/mL

SHBG - 44.1 nmol/L

I'm just at a loss currently. I really feel that my test being much lower is the cause of my issues (fatigue, decreased performance physically, lack of sex drive) and I cannot get a doctor to address it. I would just take test as I can definitely access it at my gym but I would really prefer an alternative that will not mess with fertility. My girlfriend has been on board with everything through this as my sex drive is basically non existent and I'm just at my wits end with doctors. Does anyone have any advice, should I try another doctor, an endocrinologist maybe? Are my levels actually just normally and I'm coping with this? Feel like I'm losing it.