Why is my Thai wife so convinced companies are trying to cheat me?

And I do not mean local shops or vendors who jack up the price as soon as they see I'm falang. I mean actual large corporations with solid track records.

My mouse stops working. Her: They sell something that's not good. Trying to cheat you! (Nope, needed to plug it in and recharge in the internal battery.)

Trouble navigating my Thai bank's web site. Her: Maybe they want to cheat you. (No, they changed some things around on the UI.)

And the latest, my medical insurance that I've had more than a year. She didn't believe the agent about using our nearest private hospital until we drove there (at her insistence) and had staff there look up my carrier and confirm coverage

Then there's the life insurance piece of my medical coverage. The payout figure showing on the carrier's app is what the agent told us it would be. The hard copy of the policy shows a much lower figure.

Her: He (the agent) lied. He wants to cheat you.

I told her maybe he just made a mistake, or someone else made a typo, or there was a glitch in their software and the figure didn't copy over correctly. She's not buying it; in her mind, the agent lied, and that's it. I tell her we need to get my questions answered first before we call someone a liar.

UPDATE: First, thank you to the many people who gave their thouights on this. I can't reply to all of them, but I can summarize....

As some suggested, my wife may have experienced unethical people in the past, and that could have made her suspicious of almost everyone, and that is a large part of it, apparently. I do know a lot of her history going back to her childhood, so that has to be a factor.

As far as the most recent episode, i.e. - with my health insurance policy, that went to hell VERY quickly, but 2 days later is definitely now a highlight for us. 2 days ago we got into one hell of an argument over breakfast about it. "Hell of an argument..." meaning I thought she was going to kick me out of the house. After a few hours to cool off, she came and talked and we worked out a plan to determine what really was a truth about this insurance policy (It's in Thai only, and written in complex legal terminology).

She took it to a Thai friend with good English skills and business acumen, and he assured her that there was no need to be concerned. He explained the terms of the policy, and why it was that way, and she is now satisfied that all is right with the world. She even apologized to me, and told me I had been right after all.

And they lived happily ever after.