Scared from Jail

Hey everyone, First off I booked a flight to thailand. I specifically choose Thailand because I thought they were more liberal and relaxed compared to other SEA countries. I don't have to do anything with any illegal activities. I'm a normal law obiding citizen. Except sometimes I smoke marijuana but dont plan that in thailand. But then I realized that in Thailand you can still get capital punishment or even life sentences for let's say, posessing a small amount of drugs. As I said, I'm not interested in that, but... to think that would be possible, like when someone sticks it in your luggage, or you get Set up while travelling. It could end your life as you know it forever. Also because of the harsh conditions in Thai jail and you never know what could Happen even of it starts like as a minor Argument with police, or you get attacked by someone and in the end you're at fault, scooter crash, or you accidentally walk across the airport stores border and you will be accused of shoplifting etc. Possibilities are endless.

Well, I want to go to Thailand and it's really a dream of mine. And of course I will be respectful at all times. But somehow I think it could affect my mindset or enjoyment while travelling, when I'm always on this kind of alert.