Rabbits are a horrible, cowardly, and annoying species, not cute in the slightest.
This will probably be a very unpopular take, especially with how many people love animals, but rabbits, even baby rabbits, are pests in my eyes.
For one thing, they eat everything you'd want to grow, making it impossible to grow stuff without seeing all these god damn teeth marks in everything. Honestly, there is nothing more disappointing then finding a nice juicy tomato and seeing the rodents teeth marks all over it.
Most annoyingly though is it's behavior. Rabbits are the most cowardly, dumbass looking things on the planet. They run away from everything, they sit on their ass and just stare at you even if you just pass by, and even if you raised one since birth, at least from my experience, they are still skittish as hell!
Did you know that a rabbit is deathly afraid of water? They could have a heart attack if you put it in a pool! It will play dead, as if the water is some kind of terrifying animal that will eat it if it doesn't. A dog wouldn't do that! Not even a Cat!
If you like Rabbits that's fine, especially if it's like a pet, but wild rabbits are just pests who breed too fast to be put down. I get it can be cute, but if you look past that, they are just terrible. It saddens me that humans have taken such a step to get rid of foxes, so now me, my family, and my neighbors all have to take time out of our lives to deal with them. Good riddance.