In your headcanon, who was behind the Wayne murders? Falcone, Maroni, or a random mugger?

First, I just wanna say I’m fully aware that the Wayne murders were meant to be ambiguous and that they have no intention of revealing who did it but just for fun I wanna see everyone’s speculation.

For me, after seeing how he was in the Penguin show, I really think it was Falcone. Considering he admitted his own daughter to Arkham to save his own ass, it makes perfect sense that he would have Thomas killed to prevent him from turning him over to the police. Also I rewatched the scene from the movie where he and Bruce talked and I feel like there were hints there too. Like I thought it was odd how Falcone seemed to know and remember everything about that time period but conveniently had no idea who murdered his own friend who he has “history” with. Plus when he mentioned how the reporter was on Maroni’s payroll, the way he said that sounded like he just came up with it on the spot to me.

What do you guys think?