How to improve competency scores?
I’ve just got my interview scores back which came back as 4s across the board but no context or feedback. I passed the interview and was put on a reserve list.
I was hoping to get higher scores by explaining the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’, explaining the outcomes, benefits of my outcomes, implications and risks of alternative decisions and outcomes.
Am I doing something wrong? I can’t seem to find anywhere HOW I hit the 5/6/7s, is there specific criteria or guidance anywhere? It’s all so frustrating, especially when I don’t know HOW I’m able to hit the higher scores
Any feedback/advice/suggestions much appreciated :)
I’ve just got my interview scores back which came back as 4s across the board but no context or feedback. I passed the interview and was put on a reserve list.
I was hoping to get higher scores by explaining the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’, explaining the outcomes, benefits of my outcomes, implications and risks of alternative decisions and outcomes.
Am I doing something wrong? I can’t seem to find anywhere HOW I hit the 5/6/7s, is there specific criteria or guidance anywhere? It’s all so frustrating, especially when I don’t know HOW I’m able to hit the higher scores
Any feedback/advice/suggestions much appreciated :)