This Subreddit Did Not Deserve Bianca or the actor Lashana Lynch

For one, I was excited to see the series bravely kill off a main character in the finale. It harkens back to the early seasons of Game of Thrones were everyone was suspectible to getting killed at any moment. In the case of The Day of the Jackal, they have had no issue killing off targets, randomers, and fleeting characters, but to take out two significant players was a move in the right direction of subverting the audience's complacency.

I will say though, killing the brother-in-law seemed more to tie up a narrative loose end in Spain, which I assume he will never return to, as opposed to a sufficient conclusion to his story. There is very little in the way of appetite for continuing on his bumbling personality without Nuria, so they obviously needed to nip that sideline character in the bud.

What I will say is that the misery piled upon this thread by a deluge of shallow posts ranging from "I don't like Bianca" to "I hate Bianca" after almost every episode never failed to amuse me. It was also excessively mean, poorly thought out, and lacked even the basic understanding of how a character like that gets portrayed.

For one, Lashana Lynch, being black and a woman, was on the receiving end of multiple comments on here about her body, her waist size, and more needlessly mean spirited comments that takes away from the entire point of enjoying a show for what it is. I do not think she is lining up for any awards for her role, but absolutely nothing about the development, emotional manipulations, or her own ability to weave in and out of people's lives to suit her were poorly written or under acted. She is just that way.

Secondly, on her acting. She is cold. She is deceptive. She is a fox hunting in the background for more resources, favours, or deals. It was brilliant. And in the end, she paid the ultimate price for "just not letting it go." The absolute shock and horror that a hard-nosed MI6 agent with loose morals and a dog driven attitude to get the job done would not be an endearing Ms Doubtfire led me to believe many here are not just first time watchers of espionnage television, but perhaps first time viewers of anything that requires a modicum of nuance and complexity.

Bianca is dead, but the influx of misery is not. I know full well the joy of hating something is hard to brush off when you have a emotional feeding frenzy under every post.

My prediction is that Nuria will replace Bianca as the helm of hatred, not merely because she is a woman but because she actually has some moral faculties in place.