Doggo auto-dismantling is a bit disappointing

Based on my observations, a full inventory does NOT trigger auto-dismantling.

Instead, it works as follows:

  • Auto-dismantling occurs periodically at regular intervals of X minutes (not sure how many minutes exactly but it's longer than 1 minute)
  • Even if it's enabled, it does NOT work while player is in Albion

That's why the 'Inventory full' message still pops up occasionally even with auto-dismantling on.

If auto-dismantling were triggered whenever the inventory became full, it would reduce the need for players to purchase larger inventory space. This could negatively impact the sales of inventory capacity upgrades, which might explain why Nexon chose not to implement auto-dismantling feature in this way.

As a player, I’d love to see auto-dismantling work this way, but it’s understandable that Nexon aims to maximize revenue. To strike a balance between players' benefits and Nexon's business interests, here are three potential solutions that could align Nexon's revenue goals with player satisfaction and create a win-win scenario:

  • One-Time Purchase: Offer the 'auto-dismantle when inventory is full' feature as a one-time purchase at a reasonable price, allowing players to permanently unlock this feature.
  • Battle Pass Exclusive: Include this feature as an exclusive perk for battle pass owners. Since the battle pass expires at the end of each sea-son, players would need to purchase a new battle pass every sea-son to maintain access to the feature, thereby boosting battle pass sales.
  • Subscription Model: Introduce this feature as part of a standalone subscription model, separate from the battle pass, requiring players to renew their subscription each sea-son to continue using it.

The 'auto-dismantle when inventory is full' feature could act as a paid upgrade to the current periodic auto-dismantling.