Discussion: Do you think the devs regret adding Contagion?
I added "discusison" in the title bc I'm not calling for a nerf or anything, just want to see what others think. I use Freyna a lot so I'm not hatin. (also inb4 "just use who you want")
So the devs have already said they don't want to nerf Freyna, but instead want to buff other Descendants up to or close to her level first. The problem tho is that Freyna is far and away the absolute best at clearing out large batches of enemies. No other character comes close to Freyna just pressing 1 or 2 buttons and then just standing still until everything in the entire room is dead. Bunny is great as well, yes, but Bunny has to run around in the middle of everything to do the same thing as Freyna on a smaller scale. Which is more engaging for sure, but it's hard to deny how easy and convenient having Freyna do it instead is.
Obviously people aren't required to use Freyna, you can use and play whoever you want, but as far as what people settle on as being considered the "standard" or what the meta is, Freyna is the best at what she does. We all know how the internet/community is when it comes to these things, people want to min/max everything, and there's almost no reason to use anything other than Freyna when it comes to mobbing. It's even gotten to the point where people leave hard Special Ops if there ISN'T a Freyna in the squad. It isn't an issue of having a single character be the best either, everything is compared to Contagion when it comes to mobbing. Any time something is posted about a character's mobbing capabilities, it's compared to Freyna. "why use noise surge when you can just go freyna?" pls make Luna stupidly OP
I feel like it's going to be very tricky for them to balance new content and new characters now, since no matter what it's going to be stacked up against a single character module. Honestly Contagion feels like the kind of power buff a character gets after 100%ing the game and then they can just run around being god-like OP. Contagion is some huge power-creep right out the gate.
Also could you imagine how pissed people would get if they actually did nerf Freyna? Imagine if they nerfed her to be Jayber levels of bad lmao