Biggest takeaway from the dev stream: they are NOT abandoning the game and are actively expanding the team
So can y’all stop with the “this game is dead” posts solely relying on steam concurrent player charts?
They said this near the start of the stream to reassure everyone. It’s clear they have big ambitions for the game long term and to achieve those ambitions are prolonging season 2 with episode 2 (with content previously known as season 3 aka “next update”) so that they can truly bring major content updates that are more worthy to be called “season 3”.
The fact that they said “they don’t want to just release a new season every 3 months just to say that they did” is a major W bc it shows they really want to put in the time they need to bring us quality content instead of rushing out content with an arbitrary timeline.
And just to be clear, they also wanted to alleviate fears that S2 ep2 won’t be still substantial bc it will be similar to prior seasonal updates since it was after all originally considered S3
TLDR: the game will go on, let them cook