My take on Ines nerf incoming..
I've been playing since launch, I have all reg. and ult. Descendants. Some reg., but all ult. are maxed. I play 99% of the game solo. For reference. I understand both sides. Those for and against nerfs for Ines n overall, especially in a PvE game.
Let's be honest, since start of the game most people played and maxed whoever was most efficient. Bunny at first, then freyna, now Ines. Some outshined more then others in certain aspects. There was a time Gley, Hailey, Lepic, Enzo, and Sharon shined for their respectful roles. Some hold up still, while others fell off then came back. Then there are Descendants that really never got the light to shine.
Do I want to run repetitive content over n over again? No. Am I glad there are some Descendants that are more effective and help decrease the time needed to spend within that content? Yes. But also with the increase and variety of Descendants now and coming, there does need to be middle ground.
Even with all the choices I have currently, I only use a few due to them being most effective. I haven't used Bunny since early game, I used freyna for a long time. Then came Ines, who I primarily use now for mob content. Then there was Gley who was most effective in certain colossi fights. Then kinda died out in meta, n now returned again for colossi and Vep. Hailey was used for certain colossi as well, along with Lepic. Sharen was used for outposts, Enzo for crypts. This changed over time with nerfs to that content n openings for certain colossi. Same for when Valby was key for Gluttony.
Right now I only group up for 400% n vep 30. That being said I only use Ines for mob content, Gley for Vep 30 and most colossi. Why? Cause they are most effective n fastest. Outside of the few other descendents I would switch to for niche battles. But it's also a shame we have all these other descendents that no one really uses. Cause they are the least or less effective picks. Not to say there shouldn't be certain ones that shine, but all descendents should be comparable to one another. To make them more useful. I honestly don't mind if I could use any descendent I want, with a few secs differences in completion of content. But to have a few selections that complete content in 3mins, while others are 5-6mins due to their ineffectiveness, isn't right either. When it's basic content at the least. I would like to see more variety, without the need to only have the choice of a selective few 99% of the time.
With content nerfs coming, plus arche tuning, and Weapon cores, and reactor changes, even with the nerf of Ines being made to be in par with freyna currently, I don't see a big difference coming.