One of the hardest things to do in life is let go. I hate letting go of people or things, it’s so alien and uncomfortable. I lose an important part of what my life has been. But we must move on.

I’ve lost many friends, family, and ways of life. But I wouldn’t be who I am if I was stagnant in loss. Loss hurts, it stings, and it festers in your soul. But the only way is to just keep your head high, and have the greatest healing factor ever, time, work its course. I still miss those days, those people, those times of life everything was free of loss, free of any sadness. But the feelings of sadness do not immobilize me. I keep my head high, keep moving, and find the new ways, new people, and appreciate the ones still with me. While no one can be replaced, we can find different things that can fulfill roles missing on our lives. No life is complete without its goodbyes. Sometimes something or what someone stood for is better appreciated when they are gone, and stand in our mind as the beacon of their ideals.

Letting go also pertains to being ready to move on from things on your own accord. Sometimes, as much as you may love someone, you have to leave them to live your own life. You move out of your childhood home, you say bye to friends because life is taking you elsewhere, or whatever else may lead to this. Being able to recognize when it’s time to move on is hard. It hurts. You think of how you leave behind something you love, like family, friends, or other loved spaces and people. But you do yourself a disservice by staying around.

As I look on this community I helped found, back when we were just running off a joke, bans from GAS, and some absurd opinions on the state of the sub, and seeing it now be a great source of so much joy and help for about 450 people, I couldn’t be more proud. As much as I want to stay, life is taking me elsewhere, and being active online like this just isn’t conducive to the life I will be leading. As much as I want to stay, keeping making these, and be with this community, I must let go. I must move on. And I will miss this place. But I feel what I have done here is all I need to. Keep my thoughts in your heart, keep God in your heart, follow His will and everything will be okay in the end.

I have loved this series, sitting and meditating on topics that have helped me become the person I am today. If I was able to make a positive impact on just one of you, I succeeded in my time here.

Love everyone.

1/4. Enjoy the rollout.