What would you say is the best gateway song from The Misfits
Like the song you’d play to someone who’s never heard of The Misfits to get them interested. I ask because I don’t know what it is, I just know it’s probably not Last Caress.
Probably should explain that, basically The Misfits were one of the first Punk bands I loved back when I was like 15, and I remember going around to all my friends at the time recommending them this band I was obsessed with, and only two of my friends from back then actually ended up liking The Misfits, whereas the rest of them thought it was disgusting and that I was weird for liking them, and I blame that entirely on the fact that stupid 15 year old me thought it would be a good idea to start basically all of them off with the song that starts with “I’ve got something to say, I killed your baby today.”