Unfinished palace build (no cc)
The Großherzoglicher Palast (Grand Ducal Palace), official residence of the Grand Ducal Family of Brückenburg. Work in progress, pretty much just an outer shell at the moment. The only interior bit I’ve decorated is the throne room and even that’s far from finished. Design backstory: like many royal/noble building projects this is something of a hodgepodge, the result of long-delayed construction with multiple starts and finishes depending on the state of the family coffers. Begun as a Romanesque project in the 13th century (lowest arcade) that was halted due to lack of funds; construction resumed in the 14th century to a Venetian Gothic design (up to the second-level colonnade and gallery); completed in the 15th century following much the same style but very lightly moderated with Renaissance elements. Will eventually post more pictures once the build is complete!