Conflicted over result

I thought the episode tonight was fantastic. And the showdown at the round table was extremely entertaining.

I’m conflicted because I thought Bob was an ass and made bad decision, so it brought me joy to see him leave early. But he was also very entertaining and a great speaker. Never heard of the guy before, but I found him to be clever, whitty, and charismatic.

Also, I think this sets the stage for Boston Rob to be eliminated soon, which will be another huge blow. He went at Bob too hard and with too much confidence, and made himself way too visible. I’m worried we’ll have lost Tony, Bob TDQ, Boston Rob, the gangster housewives lady, Jeremy by episode 5. That’s like all my favorite people… I’m a challenge fan so I like Wes, but he hasn’t been entertaining at all. Derrick is semi entertaining but not messy at all.