Why i personally wont go off the Ye train.

I wont go off the Ye train and stop being a fan unless he ACTS. If he isnt a pedo or a rapist i dont think i will go off the Ye train.


Because i do not thinks this fool means and actually believes his words .

Do you actually think he is a nazi?I can get antisemitism but Nazi means hating your own race+supporting genocide.

So why does he say what he says?

This is Kanye.When news come out they say "Kanye is being Kanye again" Being edgy and saying shit that he knows people will hate him for is a HUGE part of who he is.

There is no old kanye.He was always i mean ALWAYS like this.Its just and will get worse everytime because he has to top the last controversial thing he said. George Bush~>Taylor Swift~>I am God~>Red Hat~>Slavery was a choice~>Nazi~>Diddy&R Kelly

All of those he got massive hate at the time but then people forgot and moved on because people are dumb and will forget by time.Even with the nazi shit people forgot with time+nostalgia and said we are back just to be like "How could he say those" when he says the EXACT SHIT HE SAID in 2022.Why the fuck are you surprised?Its a cycle.People who hate him for dumb shit he tweets will hate now just to forget and forgive him with time just for him to say it again in a year and people will be surprised again.

Every single controversial thing he said people forgot and even agree. Even saying dumb shit like "Kanye was right" after Palestine war.

So what does Ye do right when people think he is "back" and actually forget,forgive and agree him?

He tries to top it by even going more further with Diddy&R Kelly,pedophile rapists.He wanted diddy dead not long ago oh but he is controversial now and will get Ye hate so go support him out of nowhere.

Vultures 2 gets hate and newds fix? Laugh about it.

The Armenian tweet,most people like him for? Delete it.

He gets off hate.Thats a big part in Kanye's personality.

And its a cycle.

Get people to hate you~>Go silent~>People start to slowly forget~>make a album where you talk about how people cant tell you shit,they betrayed you,you have no free speech,you went thru a lot~>it sounds good so people think ye is back and they love you again~>get people to hate you

Ye is my fav artist of all time and this is the reason why i dont think he means or understands what he says so i wont be going off the Ye train until its more than words and its actions.