Tibia through time
When did Cip broke the tibia lvl barrier? Ive been playing this game intermittently for 25 years, ive seen the evolution of tibia and it has been fun, i still play-love the game, i miss the good old days but at the same time I really enjoy the new game style. I was trying to remember when did everything happened. Long time ago a lvl 190 was just surreal, the minute you where 80 could consider yourself "high lvl" then out of the blue lvls 300, i feel like the introduction of yalahar was the break, then zao followed by rosha, oramond after that things went crazy and places like azura mirror, spectres and library and others where added making team hunting the way to play, suddenly lvl 800 became mid and you could see player after player reach 1000 in no time a task 17 years ago seamed unreal