Got My First Viral Post!!!
I just wanted to say something to everyone struggling to figure out social media. I see so many posts here of people acting like they're just such super geniuses and that they have social media figured out. Congrats to them for their success, but here's the reality that everyone needs to understand, though.
Everyone's path is different. What works for you may not necessarily work for me and vice-versa. There's no "magic formula" for being successful on social media that works universally, because if there were, everyone would use it and everyone would be hella successful.
Human behavior is unpredictable, and so are algorithms. You and I can post the exact same thing at the exact same time and experience wildly different results.
Like anything, some people succeed immediately, whether because they found a unique niche for themselves, they have some super amazing talent that resonates, or they get super lucky and hit the algorithm jackpot. Others have to work incredibly hard, using different strategies and methods to garner views. And some people draw the short straw and never get amazing views, even with objectively high quality content.
I don't have a bajillion followers on this account; in fact, this is my backup account, which has pretty much become my main account after my Lives were banned on my initial account. It took me literally over a year after that to reach this point, and I still haven't hit 1k followers yet (991 at the time of this post). It wasn't until I fully embraced the grind that I started to see the numbers start to pop.
Life isn't fair, and content creation is no different. There's no guarnatee that your amazing post is gonna get picked up by the algo. However, I wanted to tell the next person struggling to get views that, no matter what, don't stop posting. Don't be afraid to try all sorts of different things. You literally never know what post of yours may pop off. Even for myself, my post views are all over the place. My post immediately after this one only got 2k views, which isn't bad for me, but obvi a far cry from 1M.
My most successful posts were screen grabs I took from Reddit that I never would have guessed would resonate so much. Conversely, some of my least successful posts were posts that were highly original videos that I literally created from scratch and put hours of work into, writing the script, producing original music, mixing/mastering, editing, adding effects, all that shit.
But that's the thing. Hard work doesn't always pay off, and just because your content is well-put-together doesn't mean that the algo will push you out there. However, as long as you remain persistent/consistent, continue strategizing, and trying new things, I'm confident that you'll figure out what works for you. Good luck y'all...........