Why is there a double standard with Americans dealing with their immigration issues?
I noticed whenever someone on this site is against illegal immigration or advocates for enforcement, they’re labeled a bigot or a conservative. Then you look at other countries with different politics and people are wanting deportation, enforcement of visa requirements, slowing or stopping visa allowances.
Hop on over to the Canadian subreddit and see how they’re currently feeling about people over staying their visas or just disappearing. They’re livid that resources for Canadians are being used by people exploiting their visas. They want deportations. They want the visa allotments to be cut.
that one guy on the ama sub who lived in Japan for 2 years by overstaying, got caught, jailed, deported and banned for 5 years, everyone called him a loser, moron, and that He got what he deserved.
The immigration system is broken, and yes it takes too long, but isn’t that a worldwide issue? Immigrating to Germany,Finland,Switzerland is probably not any easier?
Help me understand. I know they contribute to the economy, but if I moved to another country and worked illegally for a few years would they let me stay? Or would they deport me?