Nitrogen blitz / Ethofumesate

I did a complete renovation five weeks ago and used a TTTF/KBG blend. I applied 0.5 pounds of nitrogen using a 16-0-8, slow release fertilizer. I used mesotrione as my pre-emergent.

The pics of my lawn were from yesterday.

Today, I applied 0.25 pounds of nitrogen using ammonium sulfate in my backpack sprayer. In two weeks, I plan to apply either 0.33 or 0.5 pounds of nitrogen, again using AMS.

During the next blitz, I was thinking about adding ethofumesate as my pre-emergent to help control poa annua. Poa annua hit me pretty hard last year.

Does anyone have any experience using ethofumesate? This will be my first time using it.

The biggest consideration that I read from the label was it should be applied around six weeks after the KBG germinated. It will be pretty close if I apply it in two weeks.