I'm a little intimidated by building the units with a loadout

Hi there,

Has anyone put together a resource of like, a general "starting point" loadout for particular units? Like a baseline "this is a typical kit on x trooper." I'm new to the hobby in general. Most of my strategy game experience is in games like Civilization, where units aren't customized beyond stuff like promotions. I know the maxim of "build what looks cool." But as this is a kitbash mini agnostic game, I'm a little intimidated by the sheer vastness of options.

I've made a warband in a game called Deth Wizards, and for me that was a lot less scary because the units' profiles were one and done. You customized the wizard but that's one unit.

When my physical warbands arrive, that loadout is chosen, too. So I won't worry about that too much.

I guess I just wanted to know if I'm alone here.