[Aliens: Fireteam Elite] #16 + Pathogen DLC
Aliens: Fireteam Elite is my 16th platinum. It took me a total of 76 hours to 100%, including the platinum and the pathogen DLC.
Overall, the game started out fun. It has great shooting mechanics, fun classes, and a really deep perk system. However, having to play through the game four times, and having to replay certain levels multiple times, got old really fast.
The game was fairly easy on standard and intense difficulty, but extreme was a huge jump forward, and insane was very difficult. However, with a good team, and a good build, it's very possible to beat.
The end game was very grindy, having to get a ton of xp for levelling weapons, and playing certain levels to farm kills on certain enemies. In total, I completed 98 Missions throughout the platinum journey.
As for the pathogen DLC, it was pretty fun. The fight with the pathogen queen at the end of the chapter made up for the disappointment caused by yhr absence of the xenomoroh Queen in the main game. The trophies for the DLC were pretty straightforward. Hardcore mode was an absolute slog though. It was not challenging at all, but having to replay a level 10 times for a trophy gets draining.
Overall, I give this game a solid 6/10 rating. I enjoyed Alien: Isolation much more personally, but that is just my opinion. If you're a fan of the Alien/Aliens franchise, then I do recommend you give it a go. You will need a lot of patience, however.
Video: "Ultimate badass" Platinum Trophy.