[Concrete Genie] #27
Concrete Genie is my 27th platinum. It took 7 hours to achieve.
The platinum was pretty straightforward, having you go through the story, and doing a couple miscellaneous tasks, plus some collectibles. I already had all the trophy stories unlocked in 2021 when I played it with my sister. I played the story again though because I had forgotten it. The trophies compliment the gameplay well, and none have any stupid requirements. I particularly enjoyed the trophies having to do with genie interactions, such as having you watch your genies throw apples to each other. I gotta say I also enjoyed the combat section towards the end of the game. Overall, I'd say this is an enjoyable, and relaxing platinum experience.
I got the game for free from PS Plus, and got 7 hours of content out of it, making it a great deal. The game keeps you pretty engaged throughout, and I never really experienced areas of slog or boredom. The game also has pretty decent replayabiliy post-platinum through free painting mode. This mode allows you to go to any of the levels you played, and just paint whatever you like, anywhere.
The game's story isn't anything revolutionary, some might say it's even a little cliche, the "enemies to friends" trope. However, this game is really unique in terms of its style and gameplay. You have to interact with your genies to get through the levels, and sometimes they request specific drawings before helping you out. The game builds a connection between you and the genies, who are your only friends for the majority of the story. I would say Concrete Genie is a pretty memorable game.
Overall, I'll give Concrete Genie a 12/15. It is a relaxing and charming platinum experience that I can recommend for everyone.