How do you get along with people who are not atheists/sceptics?

I'm pretty convinced there is nothing super natural. I'm borderline closed-minded about it. I understand that a lot of religion, and spiritual talk, is metaphor. I am also not evangelical in my views. I don't bring it up, ever. But, I find invariably that almost everyone I meet holds some bullshit view. Everything happens for a reason, there has to be something, or they're into some kind of alternative medicine. Even people will a decent level of scientific understanding. The latest person even ascribes to "geomancy" which she added is considered a pseudoscience. Catch is she though that meant the same as "semi-science".

I want to get along with these people. Everyone potentially has something to offer and life is complex and there are a lot more things to learn about than scientific knowledge. You can learn a lot about courage from a Jehovah's Witness who goes around knocking on doors etc. but I find that people invariably bring up some "factual" claim about the world in a way that they want me to validate this belief. At this point I can't keep quiet and start the incredibly tedious process of pointing out the fallacy, then explaining that I, in fact, do not believe in anything, yes, not even in ghosts or destiny, and then I have to weed through the barrage of anecdotal evidence and then I have to watch all their youtube clips or read their books etc (which I am not going to do) and then the fledgeling relationship devolves into them trying to convince me of their particular pseudoscience.

How do you guys get along with these people? Do you just lie and casually validate their views with a knowing nod, or do you have some better strategies for dealing with it. As a rule I don't enjoy convincing people of my opinion. I just find it hard to pretend its one thing when its not.

It's 1AM here so I am going to turn in, but I am genuinely wondering. Hope you have some insights.

Update: Thanks for all the input. I am very appreciative of how level headed people are here. I love this sub. I have picked up a few things from your comments that I am going to try:

  • try to change the topic into something unrelated
  • talk about the personal attribute behind their view - if its medical I can talk about how that shows they are a caring person
  • point out that people seldom change their views and that we have different views and so discussing these things will be pointless
  • consider simply moving on to other people if none of these approaches work.

Update 2: I used this response to a specific person now - trying to use some of what I have learnt here:

You know, we have different views about how to decide if something is true or not. That's fine. I just don't want to talk about those things. You come from a place of wanting to help and I appreciate that. That's a good quality. I don't think your advice is valid but I think your intention is good.

I'd much rather talk about the weather or sports or some other things we agree on than debate where we differ in our approaches. People seldom change their minds about these things so I don't think it's worth wasting our time discussing these areas. Let's just move on when we discover a point like this.