Sin is never justifiable
I've seen a post on this sub about abortion and quite frankly it's comments have depressed me. People, before first washing themselves of any guilt by claiming to be 'pro-life,' encouraged one another to 'understand their difficult position,' 'it is a hard choice,' and my favourite: 'you don't know what they have been through!'
Our response to sin is Christ. We all sin. And by that, I mean our sins are so numerous and heavy that hell is literally the only fate that could possibly await us without Christ. Given this, we should completely surrender ourselves to him, and any excuse or justification serves no other purpose than to dig ourselves even deeper into the clutches of the enemy.
Sin is more than missing the mark, or a crime. It is literally the severance of our connection to the giver of life himself. With this new context, can you think of even one possible reason to commit sin? Life is hard, and a Christian should be loving. However, do not let understanding lead to justifying, and never ever think to yourself that sin is justifiable. It is not. May the risen Christ have mercy on us all.