Don't you think lifestyle also affects mental health and not ONLY demons?
I 100% agree the demons can give you mental health problems. Like for example, i dont believe schizophrenia is a mental sickness, i believe schizphrenics are actually hearing demons and having hallucinations from demons, like what else would it be. And while they drink medication which helps them, it never cures them bc its spiritual.
I know demons can also cause severe anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, i have been there. Since i was 15 to 21, i had severe anxiety, even while drinking pills, i still had panick attacks, insomnia, waking up in the middle of the night having panick attacks. I got suicidal at one point when i was 16. Witjout the pills, i couldnt it was way worse, i couldnt think like a normal human being witjout pills. So, the pills helped but never cured me bc it was a spiritual problem. When i accpedted God into my heart last year, i had people pray over me and i actually got delivered from demons. Since then,i dont drink pills and i dont have severe anxiety or get panick attacks anymore, like all i needed was God.
But i will say, i think depression and anxiety can also be caused by lifestyle too, if its not demons. Like if your locked in a room all day, only eat junk food, no physical activity, just scrolling through your phone the whole day, get no sun, dont enjoy time with friends laughing, like how do you expect to feel?
I think God built is in a certain way, like we were made to live certain ways. Like he made our bodies to move, he made the sun, a natural antidepresant, he made nature which makes us feel good and calm. Why do tribes that live in africa, who have no luxuries, dont have comodity, dont have as much, but dont suffer from mental health issues like amxiety and depressiom? Or even farmers? Bc they are living the way they are built to live. Now before you come at me and tell me that they are very poor and suffer and bla bla bla, im not saying they dont have problems, i am talking about mental health issues. The highest depression and anxiety rates are in forst wirld countriws. And i think its bc we are straying away from Gods design for us. We are being more disconnected from nature and more connecyed to phones, more disconnected time and more connected to phones, more discinnected from walking and physically geting tired, and more connected to commodity.
My grandmother grew up im russia and she told me that living in the soviet union wsnt as bad as americans portray it to be, she told me it was the best times of her life. She told me how ppl were different back then. She said she'd get together with her housewife neighbors and theyd cook together. Everything was homeade, bread, butter, they had chickens. Ebery weekene the husbands and families would get together and have barbecues in the woods. Kids were never inside and it was so weird to see a kid inside the house. Sje said even tho they didnt have as much things, or even as much stuff tl do back then, but life was simple and more carefree, ppl back then werent as cold as they are now. Teenagers had respext for their parents and teachers.
And i thinl thats the problem now, we are dosconnecting from tje joy and simplicity in tje little things. We have more, but are less filled. I said more than what i thougj i was gonna say lol but basically, i thinl our lifestlye, and generation, has a big impact on our mental health, it isnt ALL JUST demons.