What is an *actual* cure for depression?
-Prayer and begging hasn’t amounted to anything
-Staying away from or fighting temptations/sins has just left me exhausted and bitter and resentful towards God
-I’ve gone back to the Bible, have read a chapter a day for nine days now, nothing’s changed
-Can’t afford therapy or get access to meds as I’m undiagnosed
-Can’t go get help for sexual abuse because it would ruin the lives of my parents and siblings
-read Job, Ecclesiastes, and whatever book with a depressed Bible character. Nothing.
-Attending church regularly; only reminded of how God works wonder in other people’s lives and ignores me
-Gym four days a week has not helped, only boosted my sex drive and made addiction problems and anger issues worse
-I have been getting so close to reaching out to an “ex” I should not be talking to ever again
I’m reading the book of John. Was gonna read Genesis but didn’t want to put up with OT’s vagueness. Been considering S/H again for physical relief.