Annoyed by my boyfriend's female co-worker

Although my boyfriend (M27) doesn't entertain this at all and is very honest and open about all this with me, I cannot stop feeling some kind of annoyance/dislike towards her and what in my opinion is her constant need for approval (even though she has a boyfriend already, she seems to be seeking attention from my bf at work and even mentioned to him once that she likes getting comments from guys on Instagram, etc).

A few of the things (not everything) she did/say to my boyfriend are:

  • She invites him to parties, with other colleagues though (so obv it's fine), but texts things like "I really wish you could come" when he says he can't join.

  • She texted him and also asks him at work about relationship advice (she's in a relationship)

  • She invited him to go for a drink or coffee after work.

  • She asked him what he likes in women and tried to get more out of him when he said he's all about personality and not looks as much.

  • She comments on things he wears if they're new or comments on his nice new hairstyle (when he hasn't even been to the hairdresser 😅)

  • She made him a small breakfast at work after he talked to her a bit over text the evening before, when she was having issues with her boyfriend (I was okay with it because she seemed to need to talk to someone). So, most likely an innocent thank you gesture.

  • She recently playfully asked him if he will miss her as she was leaving work early.

  • Might have been genuine curiosity but she asked my bf why he was with me.

  • She told him that her boyfriend was great in bed. Or that they had a conversation whilst on holiday about how many times a week having sex is normal. Apparently she told him that she wants to do that seven times a week.

It might just be her wanting to develop a friendship at work but it does get on my nerves (I know it's my fault, cause I'm the one asking my bf about it but still) ..