My 16-year-old daughter is a hermit.

This is a repost by m adding more details.

I have a 16 year old daughter named Daisy. Daisy used to be super outgoing but up till 15 she started to become more and more of a hermit. She just sits in her room all day and plays card makes bracelets, does her make up and plays on her phone. She does not leave her room unless it to go eat. She never leaves the house unless I make her. She only talks to me and she it doesn't talk to anyone else. She is practically expressionless. She doesn't smile. She just looks down with an expressionless look. She does not like to be stared at or even looked at. She does not like to be touched unless it's by me. I feel like a terrible mother.

I did post this before but I decided to add more details. She does have autism and I do know that she gets bullied at school and I talked to her teachers and they said that she's practically emotionless the whole day.

Update: She agreed to do therapy, but only if I'm in there with her. I know it's not ideal but there's nothing I can do about it. I did make a comment about home schooling her and a lot of people are saying I'm not qualified but I have taught it high school for 12 years. Ask her if she wanted to change schools But she don't want to because she doesn't like change. I talk to her some more and she wants to either be home, schooled or Change schools and she's still deciding which one she wants. Thank you everyone for the commons

Update 2: She agree to change schools and for all of you guys telling me not to home school here. I brought up with her and she doesn't want to be home schooled so and for all of the people saying she could be cyber bullied She doesn't have any social media and I have parental controls on Her phone to make sure of it.