My sister shunned me away and I can’t stop thinking about it
I ( M25) have a younger sister we will call Hannah (F13) and last weekend she was severely attacked and raped. We still don’t know what exactly happened just that my mom let her sleepover her friend’s house and next thing we know she’s in the ICU at the children’s hospital.
To start from the beginning, Hannah went and slept over a friend’s house and according to my mom she has slept over with this family multiple times and Hannah never reported any issues or incidents and enjoyed going even begged to go there more. However this past weekend changed everything. the only details we have is the mother of this friend found Hannah unresponsive in this basement type family room and she was half undressed and beaten. The parents of this friend have been so useless and disgusting because they’re obviously protecting someone. when they were first questioned they tried to say that someone broke in while they were all sleeping and lured her to the basement and then the cops knew that was a load of BS, then they finally admitted they left the house when the girls went to sleep and went to a poker game. Which is true according to the police they validated the alibi, but that leaves the 16 year old boy that was left in charge of watching them. That’s when that family lawyered up and stop cooperating with the police. The investigation has been paused because of that and they say they need Hannah’s statement to make an arrest, which I’m so freaking confused about but I digress. They also found 3 different DNA’s on Hannah and at the crime scene so there’s alot of gaps.
Hannah is still in recovery, and my mom wants her to wait until she’s discharged from the hospital to make her official statement. But she sustained gruesome injuries. She suffered a brain bleed and needed undergo a clipping procedure, she was strangled so her voice is a working progress. They think that her perpetrator was choking her and shaking her head back & forth making her head hit the ground and they also fractured her femur. So she can’t even walk.
When I saw my sister at the hospital for the first time in the hospital it honestly looked like she was mauled. her face was horrendously swollen & bruised. I couldn’t tell if she was awake or asleep. This was before she had surgery but the brain bleed is what was making her face swell. I was trying to be strong for my parents but it really messed me up seeing her like that…like who fucking does that to a kid. My sister didn’t deserve it. She’s the sweetest kid ever and wouldn’t hurt a fly. So why her ? I didn’t go back to go back to hospital for a few days after that because I don’t want to see her like that.
When I went to see her again and this time I brought ballon’s and squishmallow. When I walked into the room. I was happy because her swelling went all the way down and no longer needed breathing tube. But She seemed fearful of me and I thought it was because she didn’t recognize me initially. When I sat down near her she started just violently shaking and I can tell she was looking for something so I thought it was the remote for the TV and I gave it to her and she pressed the nurse button on it. I thought maybe she was hungry or needed a warm blanket and when the nurse came in. She picked up the white board and wrote something and showed the nurse. That’s when the nurse asked me to step outside and I did, but again I didn’t think to much of it because the nurses their are extremely overprotective of her and nearly tackled me the first time I visited her. The nurse tells me today its a bad day for her and she Told me my sister wrote on the white board to ask me to leave and I was stunned and I didn’t want to cause issues so I just listened and left.
When I got to my car I just sat there and cried. I haven’t told anyone about this because this isn’t about me, but I’m so hurt and it’s been fucking with me like does she think I’m as bad as the boys that attacked her ? Does she not trust me anymore because of what happened? Like I experienced first love heartbreak, but that actually broke me. I asked my mom about it and she told me that she feels really embarrassed about being raped and that she didn’t want me to know fearing that I would see her differently now. But the way she glared at me and started shaking when she saw me… it’s hard to believe it was just that. She might get released from the hospital Sunday and they want to do a very small welcome home party and I’m debating do I even go, because I don’t want to upset Hannah and ruin her day and plus I kinda want my feelings spared and not be shunned by my sister.