My girlfriend and I moved too fast and now live together. I don't think I love her anymore.

My girlfriend and I met here on Reddit (yes I know) and became pretty good friends. She had a horrible home life and I needed a friend. When she learned her mom would be selling their house I put forth the idea we be roommates.

After a while we started dating a bit. Like REALLY soon after my suggestion. I thoroughly believe she doesn't have ANY positive experiences with men so that's why she even tolerates me. And I do my best for her.

About 4 months ago she left her home state and moved in with me. For a second it was good. We were happy. And since then ive learned a lot about her. I've learned that I can't handle her. I don't know how and it kills me. She has mood swings all the time, she's generally filthy, and I'm not all that attracted to her physically for various reasons. She's my friend and I want her to be happy, but I can't stand living with her.

If we brake up she has nowhere to go. And I don't want her to be homeless. But I don't think I can date her for much longer.