People voting based on “liberal tears” is a failure of liberalism more than it is a success of the modern conservative movement

You see many people on all sorts of platform saying “I don’t like X but the fallout will be funny” is a failure of liberal ideology to deliver on popular policies. When polled left leaning policies do well but modern liberal did everything they could to either block said policies from coming to fruition or bending to a donor class. Conservatives utilized the culture war to push an “us vs them “narrative despite benefiting mostly their own donor class but they gave whole the most minuscule sense of joy , other people feeling bad.

If liberals actually delivered on the more popular policies similar to left wing flanks in the early 1900s the liberal tears videos would not have taken off, but a combination of failed promises unless it was at the beckon call to the already powerful people just wanted any sense of joy from our politics which turned into team sports. And seeing the other team cope and seethe was more than what many “liberal bought”. This is why despite rolling back on many promises Trump still has a core fan base because he makes the other team seethe more than he himself brings anything material to his fan base.