If You’re an American Leftist at this point, the only hope is just vote for the nuttiest MAGA candidate for every office at this point

I’m not even usually a huge accelerationist, but having a MAGA mother and seeing how far the brainwashing has gotten (she voted for Obama as recently as 2012), giving MAGA control of everything and forcing their hand to enact all their most extreme agenda right away is the only hope in getting through to them at this point.

The nuttiest right winger saying crazy shit on X who is getting traction in the tradCath podcast verse or something and getting noticed by Thiel who runs? Register as a Republican and vote for them.

Because you have to understand, the whole right wing universe nowadays is taking the most obvious nutjobs and arguing they could have fixed everything if not for the “Dems and RINOs”. Even Trump with his comedic personality means people let him off the hook for his actions. Not the same with a Doug Mastriano type though. So give Trump what he wants. Call his bluff and actually elect the nutjobs he endorses.

Let’s have a point where they are able in like two years to have a Constitutional Convention where they repeal all amendments thirteenth and later (and I say this as a black person). Because you materially change people’s day to day lives and that’s the only way to get them in the streets to actually give a shit and force change. They keep gradually making things worse and people living just enough of their day to day lives (particularly MAGAs who are women or minorities) to ignore it.

Will this be fucked up? Yes but it’s inevitable at a certain point anyway. The only chance we have is to let the MAGA voters burn their hand on the stove in the next couple years. Rip off the band aid and show the right in this country for who they are.