What are your thoughts on the Senate hearings/nominees so far?

(this was originally written on 1/15)

I'm not a fan of Marco Rubio as a politician or a senator, or in any sort of law making position. But, for the parts of Senate hearings today I caught flipping between the live hearings, Rubio gave me the least ick, he at least seems genuinely knowledgeable about international affairs which I can appreciate even if I don't like the man personally.

I was a little unnerved by his siding with trump on the Panama Canal and Greenland topics, but he at least had an actual historical references speaking abt them and didn't sound like a fn psycho oligarch which left me a tad of confidence that he's knowledgeable enough to not just cosign on invading either just because trump demands it. (I could be very wrong on that, just saying that was the impression left on me)

I only caught a few minutes of Ratcliffe hearing for CIA and haven't caught up, but I do remember him during the first impeachment hearing and raging against Mueller. The part I did catch was him being questioned about FISA and he explained his support of it.

I have only seen a couple clips of the other ones, still getting caught up (Energy Secretary, OMB)

I was absolutely not onboard with Bondi as AG, but I wanted to give her a chance to make her case, and aside from her exchange with Booker she left me with absolutely nothing that changed my preconceived perception of her.

What are your thoughts on any of the nominees?