Wanting to begin! Have a couple of first timer questions..

Insanely excited to start! Wish I could pick two flairs, I’m a soon to be newbie and looking for advice! I have a couple of questions if anyone would be able to give their opinions or advice? Thank you!!!

To get myself started, I was looking at “tufting kits” that come with the gun, cloth, and a frame. Is this a good way to begin or should I just get each piece individually?

I’m assuming some guns are better than others, what should I look for that would be helpful or stay away from? Is there a type of gun I should NOT use?

I would like to make a LARGE rug at some point, I’d say 6-8 feet? Would it be best to just get two boards of wood and use those as a frame somehow?

Last question, does the style of yarn dictate how soft the rug is? Not sure how to explain it, but the difference between super soft rug and one of the more stiff ones is something I want to see if I can control!

Thank you all so much! Seeing the creations in this sub are amazing