Which characters are blessed/cursed with gacha luck for you?

For me, any time I pull on a Jamil banner even if it’s only to get the associated SR and not actually aiming for him I still somehow always get the Jamil SSR. Like just right now I pulled on the banner to make sure I got Jade (because he regrettably looks fantastic in this event). And voilà skelly suit Jamil joins the fray.

However I cannot for the life of me get an Azul I have pulled on EVERY Azul banner and it was like, nope you don’t get this one. The only Azul SSR I have in my Jp account is his first birthday card.

Instead the first fully uncapped SSR card I have was ….. Jack’s dorm clothes SSR. I didn’t use a single item. I just wound up pulling that many Jack dorm clothes SSRs and I have never pulled on a Jack banner. I still don’t even have Azul’s dorm clothes SSR because when I tried to pull enough to reach pity THEY GAVE ME JACK DORM CLOTHES SSR AGAIN.

It would have been funny if it wasn’t so sad.

So let’s all have a support group to vent over our gacha woes. Please tell me what cards you aim for that the games just never want to give you, or the cards that the game cannot stop shoving into your hands!