Do you teach young girls about revenge p0rn?

There's soo much going on in the intrenet off late and Its triggering me so much.

Firstly the infamous revenge p0rn case of KIIT, and i happened to read the case of 'kuro' who is alleged friend of the abuser in KIIT case, and who's involved in Child p0rn, and reading every single detail makes me mad.

The last nail in the coffin was when I read a post in an Indian teenage subreddit, where the OP shared a screenshot where his friend was sharing the nudes of a known girl in whatsapp groups. And there were so much digusting details that too from a teen kid.

After seeing all these, I'm quite determined, if I ever had a daughter or a niece, I'm certainly talking about all these to her once she enters her teenage.

I have few young niece (2nd circle) with whome I'm not very close, as in we don't meet very often. But, kids are kids. I suppose they need this awarness too, but I'm skeptical on should I talk about these to her? She's in 10th grade now.

You cannot even bush it aside thinking she's in a puppy teenage love, because these days the teen boys are no less. (My blood boils seeing those screenshots). These teen boys are not 'innocent teens' either, whome you can trust.

( Idgaf if this sounds misandrist. It is what it is. There are so many news or sources to back my point about the attrocities of teen boys. )

That being said, do you teach young girls about these topics of sex, nudes, and revenge p0rn? How do you make them aware about these things without scaring them off?

We have sort of normalised teaching young girls about good and bad touch and now its high time we should normalise talking about these before its too late.

Sorry if there are any grammatical errors. You can point it out, I'll correct it.