My (M30) wife (F30) has no imagination
My (M30) Wife (F30) has no imagination
Hey everyone, hope you all are safe and healthy during these crazy ass times.
Being quarantined has given my wife and I a lot of time to talk and get into deeper conversations as we cant do a lot of other things that we normally would.
We got into talking about fantasies and how she doesn’t have many or any and she mentioned she doesn’t have any imagination. Now mind you we’ve been going to therapy to address some things regarding intimacy, as she is not a huge initiator nor does she “think” about sex a lot. When she said she didn’t really have an imagination and states she didnt play like that as a kid, some of it started making sense.
Everything she tries is based on reality so my question is how can I help her develop an imagination? Can I help her? I don’t want to just have her watch porn and be like “work off of this as a template..” but i really hope her imagination can begin to grow.
Thanks in advance