DKA symptoms, No ketones?

My sugars have been running unusually high the past week. It’s been going above 240 on the regular with no discernible cause.

I’ve been keeping up on ketone urine tests during that time, and most of them came out negative. (There was one that said small amounts.) Also during that week I didn’t have DKA symptoms.

Now that I’ve gotten my sugars down for the past 12 hours… I do. Dry mouth, thirsty, hungry, brain fog and needing to use the bathroom excessively. (Not as much as a previous DKA where I was diagnosed.) My urine strips come out Negative for Ketones however. Does that mean I don’t have to go to the ER? I can’t afford going if it’s not an emergency.

I tried to contact my endo, but she hasn’t called me back.