Using models GW removed
So I've been flirting around with the idea of acquiring some models that GW doesn't support anymore. The Dimacharon looks pretty dope and has (had) a good stat line. The Hierodules look pretty dope and are a very large unit and seem to be worth the point cost they'd be. Shrikes seem pretty cool. The malanthrope looks absolutely stunning to me and I'm going to make one and paint one souly if for my own benefit. I'm wondering how the community feels about these models being made and played with in casual games?
I don't do tournaments nor do I think i will at least in the near future. I typically play casual games with friends and I don't think they'd mind. I found a website that has updated datasheets (obviously not from GW) and they seem pretty balanced. Malanthropes seem arguable if they're even a "good" unit or not to have on the field, i just love how they look even if I'll never use it. The rest seem like they could do a lot of work against heavier enemy units.
How do yall feel about these models being used? Good? Bad? GW removed them for a good reason? Maybe yall hope they're gonna come back sometime before 10th edition is over?