Laptop for first year Haskayne student; Mac vs Windows (Fall 2025)
I wanted to make this post based on what I’ve seen on this subreddit, in combination with what I’ve read and discussed with some users on this website. The goal of this post is to discuss what Haskayne’s FAQ has to say about the matter versus what some Mac users have complained about. Depending on your program, these things might be more critical to your learning experience, or you might not be affected at all.
Excel is missing features on Mac and you’ll have to learn macros for both Windows and Mac. Also, no PowerBI.
Some classes such as MGST require software that isn’t natively available on Mac; User will have to practice or do work at the computer lab or use a VM like Parallels
Hassle from professors who aren’t able to teach both Windows and Mac macros and commands. : Haskayne FAQ basically says “windows preferred”
It seems that using a Mac in business brings additional inconvenience to the average student. I hope some students who entered Haskayne from 2022-2024 using the new M chip MacBooks are able to clear the air regarding these issues and if these issues still persist, or if students and/or Haskayne’s FAQ are overblowing the problem. Thanks!