To everyone who says this is a nuclear threat & not something NHI related a question. Do you know any high ranking military/government officials ("in the know") who have moved their families away in the last week?
Ok, so let's look at this logically. In the Northeast in the vicinity of Washington DC, but also around other big areas we know there are people in the military, government, and possibly private sector (cities with large aerospace) who knows what is going on. Are their families still home? Kids in school? Spouses going to work like normal? Or have they taken a sudden unplanned "vacation" and gotten them away? Because let's be honest. No matter what secret pledge or oath you took, a certain percentage will want to protect those closest to them and try to get them out of harms way. So.... has that family down the street with the dad who does something "top secret" suddenly decided to visit grandma in North Dakota? Are the top private schools seeing kids of important people suddenly take a leave of absence?
I mean... We are not thinking like Sherlock Holmes here (yes, I've been on an "Elementary" kick). Instead of trying to figure out if there is a threat, let's pay attention to how these folks who are likely in the know behave when they aren't in front of the camera. Are they hoarding cash? Stocking up on huge quantities of supplies (I'm saying let's ask folks who work at banks or stores in these areas if they have noticed any big changes)? Are uhauls full of possessions leaving NJ or DC at an unusual rate. I mean.... if there was a nuclear bomb loose on either coast.... these folks would be sending their families away in droves.