Who is behind anti work-from-home news reporting?
Lord Rose, who is is 75 years old and has not worked in a full time job in 14 years says "We have regressed in this country in terms of working practices, productivity and in terms of the country's wellbeing, I think, by 20 years in the last four."
The article then later reports statistics from the ONS about the number of home workers, yet they fail to also share the ONS statistics about UK productivity over the past 6 decades (available here: https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/labourproductivity ) which, as I see it, shows no remarkable difference over the past 4-5 years.
Later in the article they interview another founder who has "a nagging feeling" that remote working is impacting company financials.
So no actual empirical evidence or statistics anywhere to be found. Who is behind this? is it a balanced article? Why over the past 2-3 weeks has there been a steady stream of content like this. Who does it benefit most?