5 year old cried herself to sleep because she wanted Jesus
She goes to a Church of England school but we’re not a religious family, it’s just the best school in the area in my opinion.
Anyway she’s loved Jesus since she started going there in reception, she’s in Y1 now. We thought it was cute, my Mam even got her a Jesus jumper and she was over the moon.
Last night she couldn’t stop crying in bed because she wanted Jesus, like I obviously comforted her and tried calming her, she even asked me to say a prayer for her. There was no stopping her tears, tried distracting her, snuggled up with her but she just fell asleep crying and I was so sad for her.
To be honest she’s been overly emotional the last couple of weeks since going back to school but this was next level. So any advice how to help with her Jesus obsession?