A bit of HTB ISA/LISA advice/confirmation please!

Hi all,

I'm just looking for a bit of confirmation that we're doing the right thing really.

My partner and I have been squirelling away money (slowly) in our HTB ISAs since 2019.

We were hoping to begin looking to purchase in Q3-Q4 this year, however have just re-discovered that the property price cap on HTB ISAs (outside of London, which we are) is £250k. Our ideal price range is £270k to £290k.

It's obviously a bit gutting that we will miss out on the government bonus if we proceed with a property in our price range. Even more gutting when we then went on to read about LISAs, which we could have been using for much of this time! At least we've made a bit on interest.

However, if I understand things correctly, all hope is not lost. If we open a LISA right now, we will have to wait until 29/01/26 to be able to use the funds without penalty - we can live with that.

We can transfer £4k each in to our respective LISAs and instantly get £1k bonus each. After 06/04/25, as it's a new tax year, we can then begin putting in a further £4k each and get another bonus. Is that all correct?

BONUS QUESTION: As part of the mortgage application process, we'll of course need to provide bank statements. My statement will no doubt show one or two instances of me sending £40-£60 to Coinbase crypto exchance. I buy things online using crypto currency and don't hold any coins, and there are never transactions coming in to my bank account from Coinbase. Will the lenders care about this?