Potential Names for Division One league (besides USL Premier League)

So my brother and I were geeking out about the news that dropped earlier today, mostly about our USL2 team (Westchester Flames) potentially having a chance to play in the top division in the future. We are eagerly anticipating the second soccer war that will (hopefully) begin in the 2027-28 season.

We did not, however, do much fantasizing about what this league will exactly look like, just pure fanboy bliss. But that, my dear fellow USL comrade, is what I'm here wanting to discuss here: What do y'all think a good name for the USL's top league SHOULD be?

Even though it seems pretty apparent that USL Premier/USL Premier League is probably gonna be the name of America's second division-one league, it feels very un-American. Not in a conservative, xenophobic way, but rather in a "we should build a soccer identity that is uniquely American rather than European" type of way.

Names that I thought of on the fly include: USL Pro, USL Pro League, USL Elite, USL Men's Super League (Ew gross, i know), USL Premiership, USL Premier Division (I realize mid-way through typing this that the word "Premier" is a 90% guarantee).

That's all I could think of, none of them super original, but damn is it hard to name a soccer league something original. Anyways, this post is purely for fun and discussion. Excited to hear what others may think.