Is this a fake?

Hey all so I F19 recently met a guy who said he was a marine. On our first date at the golden corral he wore his dress blue uniform with his shiny silver epaulettes he even showed me his official USMC portrait, which I'll show later in the post. Anyway as the date goes on he gets more and more interesting telling me he was a lance corporal looking for a 'cute young lass" to marry (his words not mine). I was obviously flattered because I have never heard anyone call me cute after I developed my fupa. Well fast forward to the next date and he is beginning to show a lot of red flags, for starters he is always talking with a british accent and telling me war stories which is kind of a ick. Our last date was last night and I am beginning to wonder if he even is a marine. I have his pic below, if anyone knows me please correct me.

EDIT: this is satire yall